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Oligomycin A

Catalogue number:
1 mg
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Mitochondrial ATPase inhibitor / Inhibits mitochondrial F1F0 ATP synthase.1 A useful tool for decreasing cellular ATP levels.2 Induces autophagy.3 Evokes maximum thermogenic response from brown adipocytes upon co-treatment with norepinephrine.4 A glycolytic inhibitor (2-deoxyglucose) enhances the antiproliferative activity of OA in MCF-7 cells.5

Product Type:

Biochemicals & reagents

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1 Antoniel et al. (2014), The oligomycin-sensitivity conferring protein of mitochondrial ATP synthase: emerging new roles in mitochondrial pathophysiology; J. Mol. Sci., 15 7513 2 DeVorkin et al. (2014), The Drosophilia effector caspase Dcp-1 regulates mitochondrial dynamics and autophagic flux via SesB; J. Cell Biol., 205 477 3 Serrill et al. (2015), Apoptolidins A and C activate AMPK in metabolically sensitive cell types and are mechanistically distinct from oligomycin A; Biochem. Toxicol., 93 251 4 Meng et al. (2022), A sensitive mitochondrial thermometry 2.0 and the availability of thermogenic capacity of brown adipocyte; Front. Physiol., 13 977431 5 Scherbakov et al. (2021), Glucose starvation greatly enhances antiproliferative and antiestrogenic potency of oligomycin A in MCF-7 breast cancer cells; Biochemie, 186 51

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Additional Information:

TARGET: ATP synthase; Lysosome; Antibiotic -- PATHWAY: Autophagy; Mitochondrial function; Intracellular transport; Apoptosis inhibitor -- RESEARCH AREA: Cell death; Vesicles -- DISEASE AREA: Kidney disease; IschemiaInfectious disease; Obesity