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Catalogue number:
200 ug
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Endogenous STING agonist / 2',3'-cGAMP (CAS 1441190-66-4) is an endogenous STING (stimulator of interferon genes) agonist.1 Produced from ATP and GTP via the action of cGMP-AMP synthase (cGAS) which acts as a cytosolic DNA sensor.2,3 Induces autophagy which is a mechanism for clearance of DNA and viruses in the cytosol.4 DNA damage stimulates 2’,3’-cGAMP which stimulates an inflammatory response.5

Product Type:

Biochemicals & reagents

CAS Number:


Alternative Names:

2',3'cyclic GMP-AMP


1) Zhang et al. (2015), Cyclic GMP-AMP containing mixed phosphodiester linkages is an endogenous high-affinity ligand for STING; Mol. Cell 51 226 2) Wu et al. (2013), Cyclic GMP-AMP is an endogenous second messenger in innate immune signaling by cytosolic DNA; Science 339 826 3) Sun et al. (2013), Cyclic GMP-AMP synthase is a cytosolic DNA sensor that activates the type I interferon pathway; Science 339 786 4) Gui et al. (2019), Autophagy induction via STING trafficking is a primordial function of the cGAS pathway; Nature, 567 262 5) Li and Chen (2018), The cGAS-cGAMP-STING pathway connects DNA damage to inflammation, senescence and cancer; J. Exp. Med., 215 1287

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Additional Information:

TARGET: STING -- PATHWAY: Cytokine; Autophagy; Senescence -- RESEARCH AREA: Immunology; Cell death -- DISEASE AREA: Inflammation; Infectious disease