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Catalogue number:
50 mg
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HDAC8 activator / Highly potent and isozyme selective activator of recombinant HDAC8. Increases the activity of HDAC8 by a factor of 12 at 10 μM. No activation of other HDACs is observed. Rescues the activity of catalytically compromised HDAC8 mutants in vitro.2

Product Type:

Biochemicals & reagents

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1) Singh et al. (2011), Histone deacetylase activators: N-acetylthioureas as highly potent and isozyme selective activators for human histone deacetylase-8 on a fluorescent substrate; Bioorg.Med.Chem.Lett., 21 5920 2) Decross et al. (2014), Compromised Structure and Function of HDAC8 Mutants Identified in Cornelia de Lange Syndrome Spectrum Disorders; ACS Chem.Biol. 9 2157 3) Singh et al. (2015), Mechanism of N-acylthiourea Mediated Activation of Human Histone Deacetylase 8 (HDAC*) at Molecular and Cellular Levels; J.Biol.Chem 290 6607

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Additional Information:

TARGET: Protein deacetylase -- PATHWAY: Chromatin; Posttranslational modification -- RESEARCH AREA: Epigenetics