Catalogue number:
5 mg
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Cyclopamine analog / Veratramine is a teratogenic steroidal alkaloid found in the corn lily (Veratrum sp.)1,2. It is an analog of cyclopamine which can inhibit the hedgehog signaling pathway-dependent proliferation in NIH/3T3 cells at 8 μM1. Cell permeable. SPECIAL HANDLING PRECAUTIONS: This product is teratogenic. Women who are, or may be pregnant should not handle this compound.
Product Type:
Biochemicals & reagents
CAS Number:
Alternative Names:
NSC 17821; NSC 23880
1) Tang et al. (2010), Antitumor and antiplatelet activity of alkaloids from veratrum dahuricum; Phytother. Res., 24 821 2) Mahindroo et al. (2009), Hedgehog-Gli signaling pathway inhibitors as anticancer agents; J. Med. Chem., 52 3829
Storage Temperature:
Additional Information:
PATHWAY: Hedgehog; Proliferation