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Catalogue number:
250 mg
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Autophagic vacuole dye / MDC preferentially accumulates in autophagic vacuoles due to a combination of ion trapping and specific interactions with membrane lipids making it a very useful probe for monitoring autophagy.1,2 Inhibits EGF internalization.3 Competes with certain trans-aminases and can be used with antibody/affinity procedures to isolate resulting conjugates.4 Abs: 335 nm, Em: 510 nm

Product Type:

Biochemicals & reagents

CAS Number:


Alternative Names:

Monodansyl cadaverine; MDC


1) Munafo and Colombo (2001), A novel assay to study autophagy: regulation of autophagosome vacuole size by amino acid deprivation; Int. J.Cell Sci. 114 3619 2) Jiang et al. (2012), Targeting androgen receptor leads to suppression of prostate cancer via induction of autophagy; J.Urol. 188 1361 3) Haigler et al. (1980), Dansylcadaverine inhibits internalization of 125I-epidermal growth factor in BALB 3T3 cells; J.Biol.Chem. 255 1239 4) Murthy et al. (1994), Residue Gln-30 of human erythrocyte anion transporter is a prime site for reaction with intrinsic transglutaminase; J.Biol.Chem. 269 22907

Storage Temperature:

-20°C / Protect from light

Additional Information:

TARGET: Substrate / Probe -- PATHWAY: Autophagy; Intracellular transport -- RESEARCH AREA: Cell death; Vesicles