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1,10-Phenanthroline HCl

Catalogue number:
1 g
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Zn metalloprotease inhibitor / 1,10-phenanthroline is a high affinity chelator of divalent metal ions and may be used to inhibit zinc metalloenzymes.1 It is a potent inhibitor of JAMM-type isopeptidases (DUBs) acting via chelation of an active site Zn2+. It may be used when preparing cell lysates for enrichment of ubiquitinated proteins which are especially sensitive to DUBs in the JAMM family.2,3

Product Type:

Biochemicals & reagents

CAS Number:


Alternative Names:

o-Phenanthroline hydrochloride hydrate


1) Swann et al (1981) Zinc metalloenzyme properties of active and latent collagenase from rabbit bone. Biochem.J. 195 41 2) Cooper et al. (2009) K63-specific deubiquitination by two JAMM/MPN+ complexes: BRISC-associated Brcc36 and proteasomal Poh1 EMBO J. 28 621 3) Lu et al. (2015) Substrate degradation by the proteasome: A single-molecule kinetic analysis Science 348 200

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Additional Information:

TARGET: Protease; Chelator -- PATHWAY: Degradation -- RESEARCH AREA: Ubiquitin/Proteasome