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SCF, human recombinant

Catalogue number:
100 µg
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  • USA
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Stem Cell Factor (SCF) is a cytokine made by fibroblasts and endothelial cells. SCF binds to the receptor known as c-Kit (CD117) and is thought to play a critical role in the maintenance or survival of hematopoietic stem cells. Human SCF shows no activity on murine cells, but murine and rat SCF are active on human cells. Recombinant human SCF is a non-glycosylated protein.

Product Type:

Peptides & proteins

Alternative Names:

c-Kit Ligand, KL, Steel Factor, MGF

Storage Temperature:

at -20°C

Shelf Life:

at least 12 months

Additional Information:

NAME: Stem Cell Factor ; ACCESSION/UNIPROT#: P21583; EXPRESSION SYSTEM: E.coli; FORMAT: Lyophilized from a sterile (0.2 micron) filtered aqueous solution containing 10 mM acetic acid. Reconstitute in sterile 10 mM HCI at 0.1 mg/mL.; TESTING: TF-1 cell proliferation with an acceptance criteria of 15 ng/mL (ED50), 6.6 x 10^4 units/mg.; #AA: 165; SEQUENCE: MEGICRNRVT NNVKDVTKLV ANLPKDYMIT LKYVPGMDVL PSHCWISEMV VQLSDSLTDL LDKFSNISEG LSNYSIIDKL VNIVDDLVEC VKENSSKDLK KSFKSPEPRL FTPEEFFRIF NRSIDAFKDF VVASETSDCV VSSTLSPEKD SRVSVTKPFM LPPVA