Tanshinone IIA
AP-1 transcription factor inhibitor / Diterpenoid naphthoquinone found in Salvia sp. and isolated as an active component of the traditional Chinese medicine Tanshen. Tanshinone IIA displays anti-inflammatory activity1 and induces apoptosis in a variety of cell lines2. Also inhibits AP-1 activity by suppressing jun-fos-DNA complex formation (IC50 = 0.22 µM)3.
Biochemicals & reagents
1) Kang et al. (2000), Inhibition of interleukin-12 and interferon-gamma production in immune cells by tanshinones from Salvia miltiorrhiza; Immunopharmacology, 49 355 2) Sung et al. (1999), Tanshinone IIA, an ingredient of Salvia miltiorrhiza BUNGE, induces apoptosis in human leukemia cell lines through the activation of caspase-3; Exp. Mol. Med., 31 174 3) Park et al. (1999), Suppression of AP-1 Activity by Tanshinone and Cancer Cell Growth Inhibition; Bull. Korean Chem. Soc., 20 925
TARGET: Transcription factor -- PATHWAY: Transcription; Apoptosis inducer; NFkappaB; AMPK pathway; Cytokine; TNF -- RESEARCH AREA: Cell death; Neuroscience -- DISEASE AREA: Inflammation; Diabetes