Selective plasma kalikrein inhibitor / Selective plasma kallikrein inhibitor (Ki = 0.81 µM)1 that can be used for affinity purification of kalikrein2. Synergizes with NO donors to produce antithrombic effects ex-vivo.3 Suppresses collagen-induced arthritis in mouse models.4
Biochemicals & reagents
1) Wanaka et al. (1992), Synthesis of trans-4-aminomethylcyclohexanecarbonyl-L- and -D-phenylalanine-4-carboxymethylanilide and examination of their inhibitory activity against plasma kallikrein; Chem. Pharm. Bull., 40 1814 2) Tada et al. (2001), Isolation of plasma kallikrein by high efficiency affinity chromatography and its characterization; Biol. Pharm. Bull., 24 520 3) Ikarugi et al. (2005), Synergistic antithrombotic effect of a combination of NO donor and plasma kallikrein inhibitor; Thromb. Res., 116 403 4) Fujimori et al. (1993), Effects of a highly selective plasma kallikrein inhibitor on collagen-induced arthritis in mice; Agents Actions, 39 42
TARGET: Protease -- PATHWAY: Coagulation; TGF-beta -- DISEASE AREA: Inflammation; HypertensionKidney disease; Liver disease