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Catalogue number:
5 mg
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JAK 1/2 inhibitor / Baricitinib, approved by the FDA for two inflammatory disorders, rheumatoid arthritis and alopecia areata, selectively inhibits Janus kinase 1 (IC50 = 5.9 nM) and 2 (5.7 nM), over 3 (0.56 µM).1 It thereby blocks JAK/STAT signaling, reducing cytokine release and suppressing the innate and adaptive immune systems.1,2 Was recently shown to significantly improve COVID-19 symptoms in a preliminary human trial, presumably through suppression of the cytokine release syndrome (“cytokine storm”) induced by SARS-CoV-2 infection.3

Product Type:

Biochemicals & reagents

CAS Number:


Alternative Names:

INCB028050; LY3009104


1) Fridman et al. (2010), Selective Inhibition of JAK1 and JAK2 Is Efficacious in Rodent Models of Arthritis: Preclinical Characterization of INCB028050; J. Immunol. Biol., 184 5298 2) Kubo et al. (2018), Janus Kinase Inhibitor Baricitinib Modulates Human Innate and Adaptive Immune System; Front. Immunol., 9 1510 3) Cantini et al. (2020), Baricitinib Therapy in COVID-19: A Pilot Study on Safety and Clinical ImpactI; J. Infect.., April 23, DOI: 10.1016/j.jinf.2020.04.017

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Additional Information:

TARGET: Kinase -- PATHWAY: Cytokine -- RESEARCH AREA: Immunology -- DISEASE AREA: Inflammation; Infectious disease