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IL-6 (animal free), mouse recombinant

Catalogue number:
1 mg
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  • USA
  • Canada
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Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a cytokine that is expressed by T cells, macrophages, and muscle cells. IL-6 acts to stimulate an immune response upon infection or trauma. IL-6 has both pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory functions and signals through the cell-surface type 1 cytokine receptor complex containing the IL-6Ra and gp130 chains. Human IL-6 is active on mouse and rat cells.

Product Type:

Peptides & proteins

Alternative Names:

Interleukin-6, interleukin 6, IL6, IL 6, IFN-β2, interferon β 2, B-cell differentiation factor, BSF-2, HSF, MGI-2, CTL differentiation factor

Storage Temperature:

at -20°C

Shelf Life:

at least 12 months

Additional Information:

This product is produced with no animal derived raw products. All processing and handling employs animal free equipment and animal free protocols.