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Triacsin C

Catalogue number:
100 ug
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Acyl-CoA synthase inhibitor / Long-chain fatty acyl CoA synthetase inhibitor (IC50=3.6-8.7 μM)1. Inhibits mouse macrophage-derived foam cell formation2 and displays anti-atherosclerotic activity3. Cell permeable.

Product Type:

Biochemicals & reagents

CAS Number:



1) Hartman et al. (1989), Triacsin C: a differential inhibitor of arachidonoyl-CoA synthetase and nonspecific long chain acyl-CoA synthetase; Prostaglandins, 37 655 2) Namatame et al. (1999), Complete inhibition of mouse macrophage-derived foam cell formation by triacsin C; J. Biochem, 125 319 3) Matsuda et al. (2008), Anti-atherosclerotic activity of triacsin C, an acyl-CoA synthetase inhibiitor; J. Antibiot. (Tokyo), 61 318

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Additional Information:

PATHWAY: Fatty acid metabolism; Apoptosis inhibitor -- RESEARCH AREA: Cell death -- DISEASE AREA: Atherosclerosis