FIREPol® Master Mix (12.5 mM MgCl2)
PCR Master Mix for routine applications. *Suitable for templates up to 5 kb; *Reaction set-up and shipment without dry ice; *All-in-one master mix format reduces pipetting errors and saves time; *Amplicons are suitable for Sanger sequencing post-PCR. This master mix contains thermostable Taq polymerase FIREPol®, MgCl2, dNTPs, and buffer with detergent. You just need to add a template, primers, and water. We recommend using FIREPol® Master Mix without ready to load feature in all PCR applications where spectrophotometric measurements (absorbance or fluorescence) are necessary post-PCR because loading dyes can interfere with these applications.
- Applications:Endpoint PCR; DNA sequencing; Sanger sequencing
Molecular Biology
-20°C until Expiry Date; 4°C for 6 months; room temperature for 1 month