Frequently used reagents for PCR and post-PCR analysis.
Loading Dyes
Product | Comigrates with | |
6x DNA Loading Dye Buffer |
300 bp and 3500 bp fragments (in 1x TBE) on 1% agarose gel 400 bp and 5000 bp fragments (in 1x TAE) on 1% agarose gel |
6x DNA Loading Dye Buffer |
30 bp and 3500 bp fragments (in 1x TBE) on 1% agarose gel 60 bp and 5000 bp fragments (in 1x TAE) on 1% agarose gel |
6x DNA Loading Dye Buffer |
300 bp fragments (in 1x TBE) on 1% agarose gel 400 bp fragments (in 1x TAE) on 1% agarose gel |
6x DNA Loading Dye Buffer |
40 bp fragments (in 1x TBE) on 1% agarose gel 60 bp fragments (in 1x TAE) on 1% agarose gel |
DNA Ladders
Product | Description | |
1 kb DNA Ladder Ready to Load | 13 discrete bands ranging from 250 bp to 10,000 bp |
100 bp DNA Ladder Ready to Load | 13 discrete bands ranging from 100 bp to 3,000 bp |
Product | Description | |
dNTP MIX | Ready to use mix of dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP (20 mM each) |
dNTP SET | Individual 100 mM solutions of dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP | |
dUTP | 100 mM solution of dUTP |
Enzymes for MALDI-TOF
Product | Description | |
TERMIPol® DNA Polymerase Kit | DNA Polymerase with enhanced efficiency for incorporating unconventional nucleotides |
HOT TERMIPol® DNA Polymerase Kit | Hot-start DNA Polymerase with enhanced efficiency for incorporating unconventional nucleotides |
Other Reagents
Product | Description | |
Salini UNG® Uracil-N-Glycosylase | Unique heat-labile inhibitor tolerant Uracil-N-Glycosylase. Ideal for carryover contamination prevention |
10x GC-rich Enhancer | Additive to enhance amplification of GC-rich sequences | |
25 mM MgCl2 | Additive for adjusting Mg2+ concentration in PCR assay |
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