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Other PCR Reagents

Frequently used reagents for PCR and post-PCR analysis.


Loading Dyes

Product Comigrates with  
6x DNA Loading Dye Buffer

 Double Blue

300 bp and 3500 bp fragments (in 1x TBE) on 1% agarose gel

400 bp and 5000 bp fragments (in 1x TAE) on 1% agarose gel

6X Loading Dye


6x DNA Loading Dye Buffer

 Orange and Blue

30 bp and 3500 bp fragments (in 1x TBE) on 1% agarose gel

60 bp and 5000 bp fragments (in 1x TAE) on 1% agarose gel

6x DNA Loading Dye Buffer


300 bp fragments (in 1x TBE) on 1% agarose gel

400 bp fragments (in 1x TAE) on 1% agarose gel

6x DNA Loading Dye Buffer


40 bp fragments (in 1x TBE) on 1% agarose gel

60 bp fragments (in 1x TAE) on 1% agarose gel


DNA Ladders

Product Description  
1 kb DNA Ladder Ready to Load 13 discrete bands ranging from 250 bp to 10,000 bp

1 kb DNA Ladder


100 bp DNA Ladder Ready to Load 13 discrete bands ranging from 100 bp to 3,000 bp



Product Description  
dNTP MIX Ready to use mix of dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP (20 mM each)

dNTP Set


dNTP SET Individual 100 mM solutions of dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP
dUTP 100 mM solution of dUTP


Enzymes for MALDI-TOF

Product Description  
TERMIPol® DNA Polymerase Kit DNA Polymerase with enhanced efficiency for incorporating unconventional nucleotides



HOT TERMIPol® DNA Polymerase Kit Hot-start DNA Polymerase with enhanced efficiency for incorporating unconventional nucleotides


Other Reagents

Product Description  
Salini UNG® Uracil-N-Glycosylase Unique heat-labile inhibitor tolerant Uracil-N-Glycosylase. Ideal for carryover contamination prevention



10x GC-rich Enhancer Additive to enhance amplification of GC-rich sequences
25 mM MgCl2 Additive for adjusting Mg2+ concentration in PCR assay


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