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α-conotoxin PeIA

Catalogue number:
0.5 mg
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α-conotoxin PeIA has been isolated from the venom of Conus pergrandis. α-conotoxin PeIA discriminates between α9α10 and α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) with IC50 values of 7-50 nM (depending of the authors) and 1.8 µM, respectively ). α-conotoxin PeIA is also known to block α3β2 nicotinic AChRs (with an IC50 of 97 nM) and block voltage-gated N-type Ca2+ channels in rat DRG neurons with an IC50 of 1.1 nM. No significant inhibition of ACh-evoked currents for nicotinic α4β2 and muscle αβγδ AChRs by 1 µM α-conotoxin PeIA. The action of α-conotoxin PeIA is fully reversible after washout of the peptide in the extracellular medium.

Product Type:

Peptides & proteins


McIntosh M., et al. (2005) A novel α-conotoxin, PeIA, cloned from Conus Pergrandis, discriminates between rat α9 α10 and α7 nicotinic cholinergic receptor. JBC; Day N., et al. (2011) Structure and Activity of α-Conotoxin PeIA at Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Subtypes and GABAB Receptor-coupled N-type Calcium Channels. JBC

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